Advertisement graphic for high school sophomores and juniors to consider volunteering as a pathway to a career

Find your path with Volunteers to Careers!

Find your career with us! Demand for healthcare workers has never been stronger and should you choose a field in healthcare, your future will almost certainly be a bright one career-wise. Volunteering can be your first steps into a rewarding career… before you commit to a course of study. Learn more about the following fields below!

Making a difference

Volunteering at Pikeville Medical Center (PMC) is an exciting and rewarding opportunity that matches caring people with services that provide help and comfort to the patients and families who come to the hospital. It is also a chance to offer valuable assistance to PMC employees on a daily basis.


Why volunteer?

People from all walks of life choose to volunteer for a variety of reasons. Many see volunteering as an opportunity to:

  • Help others
  • Meet new friends
  • Gain new skills or utilize existing skills

Volunteer Classifications

  • Adult volunteers are 18 years and older and serve in a variety of department throughout the hospital.
  • Teen volunteers are 14 to 17 years old and are typically placed in specific areas of the hospital.

Placement depends on skills, interests and availability. Once a volunteer is placed, flexibility is appreciated to help PMC best meet patients’ needs.

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