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Junior Volunteer Application
Pikeville Medical Center offers opportunities to all men, women and young people to serve as volunteers without restriction regarding race, national origin, religion, financial status, disabilities, sex or age.
Cancer is a word that strikes fear in most people and revives painful memories of loved ones who have battled the dreaded disease. According to the CDC, cancer has claimed over half a million lives each year for the past several years. However, with advancements in treatments and technology, the number of cancer deaths are
As advancements are made in cancer research, new types of cancer and additional treatment options are discovered. These things all contribute to the complexity of modern cancer care. In addition to the physicians dedicated to cancer care, cancer treatment, many times, involves general surgeons, plastic surgeons, radiologists and a host of other disciplines offered at
When it comes to the number of residents of Eastern Kentucky who are diagnosed with cancer, the region is far above the national average. In fact, according to an article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Eastern Kentucky has six of the top 10 counties in the United States for cancer death
Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women, occurring in about one in eight women. Pikeville Medical Center (PMC) is now offering a new screening tool designed specifically for dense breast tissue which could help detect breast cancer sooner. PMC now offers the Invenia Automated Breast Ultrasound System (ABUS) 2.0, by GE.