
The team of Dr. Mark Swofford and Dr. Dustin Gayheart provides a plethora of procedures including cystoscopy, prostate biopsy, urethral dilation, bladder scans, heparin injections, penile implants, robotic procedures, ureteroscopy, PCNL, nephrectomy, prostatectomy,  hydrocelectomy, epididymectomy, spermatoceletomy, prostate cancer hormone injection therapy, TURBT, TURP, testosterone replacement therapy, vasectomy, bladder, circumcisions (adult and pediatrics over 6 months only), kidney and prostate cancer procedures.

PMC offers the latest in robotic surgery – the da Vinci Xi system. The robotic system provides minimally invasive procedures with enhanced precision. Patients experience less scarring, less pain and a faster recovery time. PMC Urologist Dr. Dustin Gayheart is specially trained in robotic surgery.

The Urology Department is located on the second floor of the PMC Clinic Building. Office hours are Monday through Friday 8:30am through 4:00pm.

PMC Urologists Specialize in:

  • Urology
  • Enlarged Prostate
  • Prostate Cancer
  • Kidney Stones
  • Bladder Leakage
  • Bladder Cancer
  • Other Bladder problems in Men and Women
  • Vasectomy
  • Erectile Dysfunction Treatment with medication or surgery
  • Testicular Masses
  • Testicular Pain
  • Testicular Cancer
  • Penile Problems
    • APRIL 25, 2024
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    PMC Urologists Perform Region’s First Robotic Aquablation Therapy

    PMC Urologists Perform Region’s First Robotic Aquablation Therapy

    On April 5th, Pikeville Medical Center Urologists were the first in the region to perform the Aquablation procedure to treat lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) due to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Aquablation is a minimally invasive procedure using waterjet technology performed by the AquaBeam Robotic System, the first FDA-cleared, surgical robot utilizing automated tissue resection

    • JULY 20, 2023
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    Summer Also Known as Kidney Stone Season

    Summer Also Known as Kidney Stone Season

    As the summer heats up, for many, so does the chance of developing a kidney stone. Many physicians and medical providers refer to summer as “Kidney Stone Season” due to increased sweating and a higher chance of dehydration, which is the leading cause of kidney stones. Kidney stones are hard deposits made of minerals and