

Please view the contract below, which outlines the various benefits of the Fellowship Program along with your commitment responsibilities. If you are in agreement with these terms, please sign the contract and send it back via email to and CC: to ensure we receive it.


If PMC agrees to admit you into the Fellowship Program, we will execute the agreement on our end and send you a copy. We also may contact you and/or set up an interview before accepting you. If that is the case you may be contacted by PMC Hospital Education. Please provide us with the best contact information so that we may reach you.


If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact Leah Johnson, RN by phone or email at:
Office: 606-430-3408 | Text or Call: 606-794-1146 | Email


Thank you and again congratulations on your acceptance into the University of Pikeville Elliott School of Nursing!


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