At the heart of PMC’s Trauma Center lies an elite team of medical professionals, each with years of experience, unique expertise and an unwavering commitment to saving lives. This exceptional group includes six trauma surgeons, four nurse practitioners, several anesthesiologists, emergency medicine physicians, nurses and radiologists, as well as a host of other support staff with specialized training in emergency medicine. Taking a team approach, they bring hope to patients and their families.
Their training extends far beyond medical knowledge, alone. Trauma medicine requires a great deal of empathy and emotional fortitude. The trauma team not only manages the physical injuries but also attends to the psychological effects a medical trauma has on patients and their families.
The PMC Trauma Center is proud to be a beacon of hope for Eastern Kentucky, always ready to face whatever challenge comes. The Trauma Center recently announced and proudly welcomes three new trauma surgeons, establishing a strong team of six experienced trauma surgeons committed to saving and transforming lives throughout the region.