Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women, occurring in about one in eight women. Pikeville Medical Center (PMC) is now offering a new screening tool designed specifically for dense breast tissue which could help detect breast cancer sooner.
PMC now offers the Invenia Automated Breast Ultrasound System (ABUS) 2.0, by GE. It is the only FDA-approved system of its kind. ABUS is a supplemental exam for women who discover they have dense tissue by traditional mammography. PMC is the only hospital in the region to possess this technology, allowing patients an increased chance of detecting cancer sooner.
“This technology, by no means, replaces mammograms because you need both. This just gives us an additional exam to help diagnose breast cancer earlier,” explained PMC Ultrasound Manager Athena Blackburn. “We can detect smaller cancers by using them together for patients with dense tissue.”
Approximately 71 percent of breast cancers are found in dense breasts. ABUS works by using echoes from sound waves to map out an image of the breast. The prognosis for breast cancer is far better when cancer is detected early. It is important for patients to discuss screening options with their physician and decide if an ABUS screening is necessary, if the results of a mammogram indicate dense breast tissue.
PMC’s Diagnostic Center is located at PMC Building D in Pikeville. For more information about diagnostic services and screening services offered at PMC, please call 606-430-3500.