    • OCTOBER 21, 2019
    PMC Preparing the Public About the Dangers of Flu

    PMC Preparing the Public About the Dangers of Flu

    Pikeville Medical Center (PMC) is encouraging the public to understand the importance of the dangers of influenza. Influenza, commonly known as “the flu,” is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses that infect the nose, throat, and lungs. It can cause mild to severe illness or even death. The Flu is a severe health

    • OCTOBER 21, 2019
    PMC Laboratory Receives Accreditation from College of American Pathologists

    PMC Laboratory Receives Accreditation from College of American Pathologists

    The Accreditation Committee of the College of American Pathologists (CAP) has awarded accreditation to Pikeville Medical Center’s (PMC) Laboratory based on results of a recent on-site inspection as part of the CAP’s Accreditation Programs. The facility’s medical director, Harty Ashby, DO, was advised of this national recognition and congratulated for the excellence of the services

    • OCTOBER 4, 2019
    PMC Awarded NCDR Chest Pain-MI Registry® Platinum Performance Achievement Award

    PMC Awarded NCDR Chest Pain-MI Registry® Platinum Performance Achievement Award

    Pikeville Medical Center (PMC) has received the American College of Cardiology’s (ACC) NCDR Chest Pain-MI Registry® Platinum Performance Achievement Award for 2019. PMC is one of the nation’s 225 hospitals to receive this honor recognizing its commitment to providing a higher level of care for heart attack patients. To receive this prestigious distinction, the hospital

    • OCTOBER 3, 2019
    Outreach Programs Help Patient Learn to  Live with Cancer

    Outreach Programs Help Patient Learn to Live with Cancer

    Donna Harris, 52 of Pikeville, was diagnosed with stage 3 colorectal cancer in early December of 2018. It would take some time for her to learn how to live with it She had been noticing for months that she was having an upset stomach, nausea and extreme fatigue. She visited her long-time physician, PMC Primary