    • NOVEMBER 6, 2019
    PMC and KYPQC Working to Save Lives of KY Mothers and Babies

    PMC and KYPQC Working to Save Lives of KY Mothers and Babies

    Pikeville Medical Center (PMC) joins forces with Kentucky’s newest initiative to save lives and make KY the best place to give birth and to be born. The Launch of the Kentucky Perinatal Quality Collaborative (KyPQC) brought together some of the Commonwealth’s best organizers to create an active collaboration to improve the quality of perinatal care.

    • NOVEMBER 6, 2019
    PMC’s Job Fair Recruits More Than 20 New Employees

    PMC’s Job Fair Recruits More Than 20 New Employees

    Pikeville Medical Center (PMC) hosted a job fair at the new South Williamson location at the South Side Mall. Representatives from various PMC departments were at the Primary Care and Specialty Clinic from 6am to 8pm on Monday, October 28 to conduct on-site interviews for many open positions at the hospital. As PMC continues to

    • NOVEMBER 6, 2019
    PMC Emergency Dept: Then, Now, Next

    PMC Emergency Dept: Then, Now, Next

    Pikeville Medical Center’s (PMC) Emergency Department (ED) has accelerated swiftly throughout the years. Over time, PMC’s ED has evolved into a state-of-the-art facility providing care to the region. PMC’s ED provides medical care to patients in need of immediate attention. It offers around-the-clock quality healthcare in individual emergencies and disasters. “Our goal at PMC is

    • OCTOBER 24, 2019
    Dr. Naveed Ahmed Introduces Therapy to Control Seizures

    Dr. Naveed Ahmed Introduces Therapy to Control Seizures

    Pikeville Medical Center (PMC) is offering Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) Therapy for patients who suffer from seizures. VNS Therapy is designed specifically for people still living with seizures regardless of trying multiple medications. VNS is an outpatient procedure. The therapy device sends mild pulses through the vagus nerve to areas of the brain that are