    • APRIL 15, 2020
    New Respiratory Triage Unit Established

    New Respiratory Triage Unit Established

    The staff of the Pikeville Medical Center (PMC) Emergency Department (ED) is prepared for the anticipated surge of COVID-19 patients in the region. Since the onset of the pandemic, PMC has had plans in place and is well prepared for when the surge hits our region. A patient screening area has been set up outside

    • APRIL 3, 2020
    PMC Serving Patient Needs During Pandemic

    PMC Serving Patient Needs During Pandemic

    Pikeville Medical Center’s (PMC) priority is to ensure that patients, visitors, and staff remain healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic. PMC is following all guidelines set by the Commonwealth of Kentucky’s Governor, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Kentucky Department for Public Health. PMC will remain open during regular business hours and offer

    • APRIL 2, 2020
    Drive Up, Drive-Thru, Drive Home

    Drive Up, Drive-Thru, Drive Home

    With the threat of a local COVID-19 outbreak ever-present, PMC is utilizing the telehealth platform for patients to communicate with physicians. For qualified patients who need to have blood drawn for testing purposes, a drive-thru system has been implemented behind the outpatient diagnostic center in the riverfill, across from McDonalds. Patients simply need to drive

    • MARCH 30, 2020
    Social Distancing Is the New Normal

    Social Distancing Is the New Normal

    Pikeville Medical Center (PMC) is taking the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic very seriously. Across the nation, people are strongly encouraged to practice “social distancing” in an effort to slow the spread of COVID-19. PMC has taken aggressive steps to ensure the safety of patients, visitors and staff as much as possible. “This is an unprecedented