    • SEPTEMBER 14, 2020
    Pikeville Medical Center Receives More Than $1.2 Million From the Health Resources and Human Services Administration (HRSA)

    Pikeville Medical Center Receives More Than $1.2 Million From the Health Resources and Human Services Administration (HRSA)

    PIKEVILLE, KY – Pikeville Medical Center (PMC) recently received two grants awarded by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA).  The larger of the two will be used to develop a telepsych program to be utilized in the PMC Emergency Department (ED).  The second is a planning grant to develop a comprehensive plan to address

    • SEPTEMBER 11, 2020
    Region’s Only Specialist Performing LASIK Eye Surgery

    Region’s Only Specialist Performing LASIK Eye Surgery

    Vision is something generally taken for granted until the moment it changes.  Because of nearsightedness, farsightedness or an astigmatism, many people are told their future will consist of wearing glasses or contact lenses to be able to see clearly.  However, for patients who meet certain criteria, LASIK eye surgery may be an option. Pikeville Medical

    • SEPTEMBER 9, 2020
    Specialty Physicians Treat Ear, Nose and Throat Conditions

    Specialty Physicians Treat Ear, Nose and Throat Conditions

    As the change of the season approaches, along comes beautiful fall colors, and cooler temperatures.  Allergy sufferers also anticipate a long list of symptoms, effecting their ears, nose, and throat. Pikeville Medical Center (PMC) recognizes the problems that can develop during peak allergy seasons. While allergies may be seasonal for some patients, others have triggers

    • SEPTEMBER 9, 2020
    PMC Offering Advanced Allergy Treatment

    PMC Offering Advanced Allergy Treatment

    Having allergies means a person’s immune system could potentially overreact to something touched or inhaled. Allergic reactions can cause symptoms such as itchiness, swelling, difficulty breathing, vomiting, hives and other severe symptoms. “Finding out what someone is allergic to is an important first step to effective allergy treatment. Today, allergy tests are more convenient and