    • DECEMBER 11, 2020
    Honoring PMC’s Frontline Staff: Dandy Thacker: Environmental Services

    Honoring PMC’s Frontline Staff: Dandy Thacker: Environmental Services

    Dandy Thacker, Pikeville Medical Center’s (PMC) Environmental Services (EVS) Tech is a Healthcare Hero. For 12 years, Thacker has been a tremendous asset to PMC.  She takes pride in focusing on maintaining the overall cleanliness and sanitation of the hospital. PMC’s EVS Department serves on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic and plays an extremely

    • DECEMBER 11, 2020
    Honoring PMC’s Frontline Staff: Muhannad Antoun, MD, Infectious Disease Physician

    Honoring PMC’s Frontline Staff: Muhannad Antoun, MD, Infectious Disease Physician

    Pikeville Medical Center (PMC) Infectious Disease Physician and frontline Healthcare Hero, Muhannad Antoun, MD has been instrumental in treating patients at PMC who have been diagnosed with COVID-19. As an infectious disease physician specialist, Dr. Antoun provides care for intensive care patients and clinic patients. Dr. Antoun says that when the world was faced with

    • DECEMBER 4, 2020
    Honoring PMC’s Frontline Staff: Jeremy Osborne, RN, BSN – Emergency Department

    Honoring PMC’s Frontline Staff: Jeremy Osborne, RN, BSN – Emergency Department

    Emergency Department RN and frontline PMC Healthcare Hero, Jeremy Osborne has been instrumental in helping PMC fight the novel Covid-19 virus. Osborne remembers that back in March 2020, PMC’s Emergency Department (ED) Director, Dale Morton began to educate staff on the potential virus that was beginning to hit the country in larger cities. Osborne said,

    • DECEMBER 4, 2020
    Honoring PMC’s Frontline Staff: Melissa Coleman, Director of Employee Health

    Honoring PMC’s Frontline Staff: Melissa Coleman, Director of Employee Health

    Melissa Coleman, Director Employee Health, is a PMC Healthcare Hero.  She has worked for PMC for 29 years and oversees the health and safety of PMC employees. Everyday, she focuses on identifying risks and hazards to employees and how they should avoid them.  She assesses health situations and promotes the overall health and well-being of