    • JUNE 18, 2021
    Summertime and Urinary Tract Issues Go Hand In Hand

    Summertime and Urinary Tract Issues Go Hand In Hand

    The hot and dry months of summer are upon us, which may bring with them a host of threats to our safety and well-being.  In addition to the widely known danger of overexposure to the sun, physicians in the field of urology say summer is also known as “kidney stone season.” Kidney stones are solid,

    • JUNE 18, 2021
    PMC Urologists Provide Wide Range of Services

    PMC Urologists Provide Wide Range of Services

    With age typically comes a host of fairly predictable changes in the human body. Around the age of 50, both males and females may begin to experience problems in their urinary tract, which is the body’s drainage system for removing waste and water in the form of urine. The urinary tract includes kidneys, ureters and

    • JUNE 11, 2021
    Ten Orthopedic Specialists Offer Advanced Care for Injuries

    Ten Orthopedic Specialists Offer Advanced Care for Injuries

    Throughout a person’s lifetime, chances are he or she will visit an orthopedic specialist at some point for treatment of a sprain, strain or perhaps a bone fracture.  Pikeville Medical Center (PMC) offers a team of ten highly trained, board certified orthopedic specialists when these injuries occur. Kevin Pugh, MD, Keith Hall, MD, and Anbu

    • JUNE 11, 2021
    PMC Orthopedic Center Offers Advanced Solutions to Chronic Hip Pain

    PMC Orthopedic Center Offers Advanced Solutions to Chronic Hip Pain

    Patients whose hips have been damaged by arthritis, fracture or other conditions are at risk of developing chronic hip pain. Chronic hip pain can be debilitating and hinder patients from performing the simplest tasks. Everyday activities such as walking, getting in and out of a chair or even putting on socks can become challenging. Often,

Pikeville Medical Center