    • NOVEMBER 6, 2023
    Promoting Diabetes Awareness Ahead of the Holiday Season

    Promoting Diabetes Awareness Ahead of the Holiday Season

    While many people think of November as the beginning of a holiday season full of feasts and sugary treats, health advocates across the country recognize it as a time to raise awareness about diabetes. During Diabetes Awareness Month, people are encouraged to educate themselves about the risks, prevention and management of diabetes, a chronic health

    • OCTOBER 27, 2023
    Chaplain Services Providing Emotional and Spiritual Care for Patients

    Chaplain Services Providing Emotional and Spiritual Care for Patients

    Being hospitalized can be a stressful experience for patients and their families. To help alleviate some of this stress, Pikeville Medical Center (PMC) offers various support systems for patients and families, including Chaplain Services. PMC Chaplains provide compassionate spiritual and emotional care, which involves attending to a person’s spiritual or religious needs as they cope

    • OCTOBER 24, 2023
    October Is Also a Time for Liver Cancer Awareness

    October Is Also a Time for Liver Cancer Awareness

    While most people are aware that October is a time to bring awareness to breast cancer, many do not realize it is also a time set aside to learn more about liver cancer and honor those who have been affected by it. Liver cancer appears in patients as either primary, meaning cancer originates in the

    • OCTOBER 17, 2023
    Pikeville Medical Center Recognized for Excellence With ACC Cardiac Cath Lab Accreditation With PCI

    Pikeville Medical Center Recognized for Excellence With ACC Cardiac Cath Lab Accreditation With PCI

    The American College of Cardiology (ACC) has recognized Pikeville Medical Center (PMC) for its demonstrated expertise and commitment in treating patients who come to a cardiac cath lab for care, including diagnostic catheterizations and percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) procedures. PMC was awarded Cardiac Cath Lab Accreditation with PCI based on a rigorous onsite evaluation of