    • DECEMBER 1, 2023

    The winter season is a magical time filled with cozy activities and holiday cheer, but the cold weather may bring challenges to our health that can disrupt the fun. The cold weather, indoor confinement and flu season can make this time of year difficult, especially for parents with young children. The good news is that

    • NOVEMBER 27, 2023
    Award Winning Healthcare Close to Home

    Award Winning Healthcare Close to Home

    For decades, Eastern Kentucky and the central Appalachian region as a whole has battled many challenges, especially those related to a limited access to quality medical care. In the past, entire families regularly traveled multiple hours to receive specialty medical care. In recent years, there has been a very notable shift in this reality, as

    • NOVEMBER 17, 2023
    An Honest Look at the Holiday Season From Dr. Amy Johnson

    An Honest Look at the Holiday Season From Dr. Amy Johnson

    We are beginning to wrap up 2023 and the holiday season is right around the corner. That being said, we need to discuss a subject that is uncomfortable for many of us. I want to take a few moments to ask everyone to be mindful of our physical activity and how we eat during the

    • NOVEMBER 6, 2023
    Promoting Diabetes Awareness Ahead of the Holiday Season

    Promoting Diabetes Awareness Ahead of the Holiday Season

    While many people think of November as the beginning of a holiday season full of feasts and sugary treats, health advocates across the country recognize it as a time to raise awareness about diabetes. During Diabetes Awareness Month, people are encouraged to educate themselves about the risks, prevention and management of diabetes, a chronic health

Pikeville Medical Center