    • JUNE 10, 2019
    Patient Credits Faith and PMC for Helping Him Walk Again

    Patient Credits Faith and PMC for Helping Him Walk Again

    Stroke is the leading cause of disability in the U.S. and the fifth leading cause of death, according to the American Heart/American Stroke Association. However, about 80 percent of strokes are preventable. Unmanaged high blood pressure and high cholesterol are risk factors that can lead to stroke. Last February, Gilford Hall, 56 of Wheelwright Ky,

    • JUNE 7, 2019
    Trauma Patient Praises Care and Continues to Race With Prosthetic Leg

    Trauma Patient Praises Care and Continues to Race With Prosthetic Leg

    Travis Pigg, of Robinson Creek, is a real traumatic success story from Pikeville Medical Center (PMC). Pigg was working deep in the coal mines and was injured by a shuttle car transporting coal. Pigg was seven miles into the mine and about 360 feet underground when he was injured. “I went to work that day

    • MAY 31, 2019
    PMC Names CEO, Donovan Blackburn, the New Board of Directors Vice President

    PMC Names CEO, Donovan Blackburn, the New Board of Directors Vice President

    Pikeville Medical Center (PMC) Chief Executive Officer Donovan Blackburn has been appointed to the PMC Board of Directors. He is now serving as the new Vice President of the board. Blackburn says assuming this role is all about timing. He began his career at PMC in June 2017 as Assistant CEO. The original plan was

    • MAY 31, 2019
    Patient’s Cancer Diagnosis Saves Sister’s Life

    Patient’s Cancer Diagnosis Saves Sister’s Life

    Sometimes, a cancer diagnosis creates a ripple effect felt by others. This is exactly what happened when Olieka Caudill, 38 of Wheelwright, was diagnosed. With a new baby boy, and young daughter at home, breast cancer wasn’t even on Olieka’s radar. While breastfeeding her infant son, Olieka discovered a painful lump in her breast the

Pikeville Medical Center