

If you lost your medications In the Flood,  PMC Pharmacists have been authorized to help!

Tetanus/Hep A Shots/Boosters For Anyone Exposed to Flood Water/Mud available at PMC
Includes those assisting in Clean-Up

At Pikeville Medical Center, our Pharmacy’s goal is to provide our community with fast, safe, effective and reliable service. Our pharmacists work hard to achieve that goal.

There are several retail and internal pharmacies at PMC, each offering prescriptions to serve our patients’ needs, whether they be in the hospital, visiting our retail location or needing the services of a specialty pharmacy from across the nation.

New Conveniences at PMC’s Drive-Thru Pharmacy

New credit/debit card payment kiosk saves you and others time in line!

Latest Pharmacy News

    • OCTOBER 2, 2020
    Region’s Only Specialty Pharmacy for Chronic Patients’ Medication

    Region’s Only Specialty Pharmacy for Chronic Patients’ Medication

    Pikeville Medical Center (PMC) has opened the region’s only specialty pharmacy.  It is located inside PMC’s Outpatient Pharmacy Building. The PMC Specialty Pharmacy is a unique and much-needed service for patients who have rare or complex health problems including cancer, Crohn’s disease, hepatitis C, HIV, multiple sclerosis, osteoporosis, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, and more. “PMC offers

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    • MARCH 13, 2019
    PMC Meets Growing Needs of Outpatient Pharmacy with Convenience in Mind

    PMC Meets Growing Needs of Outpatient Pharmacy with Convenience in Mind

    Pikeville Medical Center’s (PMC) Outpatient Pharmacy has played a vital role in making improvements to service the growing needs of patients. PMC’s pharmacy is serving a more significant number of patients than ever before. The volume of prescriptions processed has increased considerably. Recently, several procedures were implemented to efficiently provide quality service to patients. “Our

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