
When an injury is serious enough to disrupt a person’s ability to participate in normal activities such as walking or being self-sufficient, outpatient therapy may be necessary.

Pikeville Medical Center (PMC) has a wide range of outpatient therapy options, all geared toward improving or restoring a patient’s ability to function. Whether the condition needing therapy is temporary or chronic, PMC has multiple teams of skilled therapists equipped to treat adults and pediatric patients.


Occupational therapy is one of types of outpatient therapy offered at PMC. The team of occupational therapists also provides one-on-one therapy to patients who need extra help to regain independence after an illness or injury. Occupational therapy includes working with the patient to ensure he or she can perform everyday activities such as getting dressed, eating or bathing.

Patients who have suffered a serious hand injury due to ATV crashes, heavy equipment accidents, vehicle crashes or other types of crushing injuries to the hand now have access to specialized hand therapy at PMC. Thanks to the addition of this type of outpatient therapy, patients no longer have to travel outside of Eastern Kentucky.

When a person’s mobility has been affected, his or her physician may feel physical therapy is needed. Physical therapists at PMC work one-on-one with patients to strengthen muscles in a part of the body that has been injured or weakened due to illness. Physical therapy can often result in reduced pain and greater mobility in the area receiving treatment, which contributes to a better quality of life.

Often, adults and children experiencing difficulties speaking can benefit from speech therapy. In adults, communicating via speech can be affected by a variety of issues such as a stroke, vocal nodules, strain on the voice box (larynx) or neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s disease. Children with speech disorders or who have trouble with the flow of their speech can often benefit significantly from working with a speech therapist.

PMC Offers The Only Hand Therapy Program in Eastern Kentucky

One of the most common reasons patients participate in outpatient physical and/or occupational therapy services, whether post-surgery, by physician referral or for other reasons is due to an injury to the hand or arm. It is crucial for patients who experience these injuries to receive specialized care to regain the function of their arms and hands to carry on with their careers or with daily tasks. Pikeville Medical Center (PMC) is committed to providing high-quality, comprehensive care, and offering specialized hand therapy services is one way to achieve this.

Hand therapy can be utilized in overuse injuries, traumatic injuries, fractures, dislocations, crush injuries, burns, arthritis, tendon/nerve injuries and more. PMC has provided hand therapy services for several years, resulting in many patients regaining strength and the ability to resume their daily activities through this specialized service. PMC offers the only high-level hand therapy treatment facility in the region, allowing patients to remain close to home to receive this specialized care. Therapists at Pikeville Medical Center utilize a variety of techniques and interventions to treat hand injuries and promote recovery.

The specific methods used are determined by the nature and severity of the injury and the patient’s needs. Treatment plans employ a range of devices such as TENS Units, which stimulate muscle activity and reduce pain, grip strength trainers, manual massage, past range of motion flexing and stretching. Patients also work on performing daily activities such as buttoning a shirt and gripping pens and pencils. Other exercises include using Velcro tool exercise boards, resistance bands and more.

For more information about the PMC Hand Therapy program, call (606) 430-9300.

Occupational – A child’s occupation includes play, learning, peer interaction, and self-care skill development.  Intervention techniques utilized are based on clinical reasoning, theories of occupational therapy practice, and evidence based practice. Intervention techniques include but are not limited to:

  • Neurodevelopmental treatment approach
  • Sensory Integration & modulation techniques
  • Normal development of fine motor & visual motor skill activities
  • Positioning equipment
  • Oral Motor intervention
  • Education of caregivers, child & family
  • Reflex Integration


Physical – Physical therapy evaluation and intervention focuses on factors affecting mobility in the home, school, and play environments.  Intervention techniques include but are not limited to:

  • Neurodevelopmental Treatment approach
  • Normal development of gross motor skill activities
  • Adaptive equipment
  • Positioning equipment
  • Orthotic development
  • DIR Floor time
  • Sensory Integration and modulation techniques
  • Education of caregivers, clients and family members


Speech – Speech therapy evaluation and intervention focuses on factors affecting the child’s speech, language, peer relationships, feeding and swallowing skills, and social skills in the home, school, and community environments.  Intervention techniques utilized are based on clinical reasoning, theories of speech therapy practice, and evidence based practice.  Intervention techniques include but are not limited to:

  • Normal developmental sequences of expressive and receptive communication
  • Oral motor intervention for feeding and swallowing safety
  • Articulation intervention techniques
  • Augmentative device selection, design, and programming
  • Education of caregivers, clients, and family members

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy can assist a patient in the following areas:

  • Orthopedic/musculoskeletal injuries
  • Lower back and neck strain
  • Education on back care and proper lifting
  • Parkinson’s Disease, stroke and head injuries, Gullian-Barré and Multiple Sclerosis
  • Functional capacity evaluations
  • Balance vestibular rehabilitation
  • Post-operative conditions
  • Sciatica
  • Safe functional mobility
  • Amputee program
  • Pediatric disorders
  • Lymphedema

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy can assist a patient in the following areas:

  • Neurological disorders
  • Stroke and head injuries
  • Hand/finger splinting and treatment
  • Splinting/bracing
  • Adaptive Equipment
  • Post-operative conditions
  • Amputee programs
  • Pediatric disorders
  • Visual/sensory disorders
  • Arthritic conditions

Speech Therapy

Speech therapy can assist a patient in the following areas:

  • Neurological rehabilitation
  • Pediatric Speech/language delay or disorder
  • Communication for Post-Tracheotomy adults
  • Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing)
  • Clinical Swallow Evaluation
  • VitalStim for swallowing
  • Modified barium swallow
  • Tracheosophageal voice prosthesis
  • Adult/pediatric voice disorders
  • Aphasia
  • Dysarthia




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Office Location:
911 Bypass Road, Building C

Pikeville, KY 41501
Located across the street from the hospital