On May 09, 2022, Pikeville Medical Center (PMC) welcomed Commissioner of the Kentucky Department for Public Health Dr. Steven Stack and State Epidemiologist Dr. Kathleen Winter, who visited with PMC staff who had been instrumental in leading PMC’s COVID-19 response efforts. The pair met with the hospital’s executive team and several members of the medical staff before touring many areas of the medical center.
Dr. Stack has been very visible and vocal throughout the pandemic, conveying data to residents of the Commonwealth about COVID-19 and efforts to protect against it. As Commissioner of the Kentucky Department for Public Health, he has been instrumental in leading Kentucky’s COVID-19 response along with Governor Andy Beshear, appearing alongside him on daily televised updates. In addition, he maintained direct communication with healthcare facilities across the state to provide guidance on a local level.
“We appreciate Dr. Stack and Dr. Winter taking the time out of their busy schedules to visit Pikeville Medical Center and learn more about healthcare services in our region,” said PMC President and CEO Donovan Blackburn. “It gave us an opportunity to showcase our facility while also introducing our amazing staff, labeled as heroes, who served their community on the front lines during the COVID19 pandemic. The tour also gave our visitors a better understanding of the community and region we serve.”
Blackburn and the executive staff led Dr. Stack and Dr. Winter on a tour that highlighted several new services which opened during the pandemic including the Lawson Cancer Center Pharmacy, an expanded laboratory, cardiac cath labs and the Mettu Children’s Hospital.
“The PMC staff was genuinely interested in learning more about Dr. Stack’s background, his vision for the future and his experiences during the pandemic,” said Dr. Aaron Crum, PMC Chief Medical Officer. “We spent time talking about community collaborations and how our healthcare partners in the region have worked together during the pandemic to support each other. Today was a visit where we were all able to reflect on the past two years with a true sense of pride.”