Pikeville Medical Center’s office of Continuing Medical Education is accredited by the Kentucky Medical Association.
The continuing medical education program promotes continuous improvement in patient care by providing physicians and other health care professionals with evidence-based educational activities focusing on advances in medicine, new medical technology, and changes in the health care environment. The content of the CME program includes a variety of primary care and specialty topics that are determined through a needs assessment process.
Types of Activities
- Live Courses
- Regularly Scheduled Series
- Infectious Disease Grand Rounds (Board Room 11th Floor- the last Wednesday of every month from 12PM-1PM)
- Cardiovascular Care Conference (Cardiology Conference Room 2nd Floor- every Tuesday from 12PM-1PM)
- Tumor Board (Board Room 11th Floor – every Thursday from 12PM – 1PM)
- Trauma Grand Rounds (Board Room 11th Floor – the last Friday of every month from 12PM – 1PM)
- Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support/Pediatric Advanced Life Support – ACLS/PALS (2025 Course Schedule)
- Enduring Materials
The following online courses are currently available: - Internet CME
- Fighting Oral Cancer in Kentucky (www.cecentral.com/oralcancer)