Dyslexia is a common condition that affects as much as 20% of the population. Pediatric occupational, physical and speech therapies are helpful for children diagnosed with dyslexia and other conditions by offering a diverse range of interventions, strategies and support services to assist children in reaching their full potential.
Alisha was diagnosed with dyslexia at the age of seven and recently completed speech and occupational therapy programs at PMC. Speech Therapist Hannah Osborne said Alisha’s case is an excellent example of different types of therapists and her family working as a team to make sure she is successful. “Alisha is a kind and caring child with a strong work ethic which pushes her to do her best. She never complained and worked consistently.” Explained Osborne. “She worked to perfect her fine motor skills in occupational therapy by putting in the work both inside and outside of therapy. She is definitely a shining example of one of the many success stories we have been blessed to witness here at the Pikeville Medical Center Pediatric Outpatient Therapy Center.”