Melissa Coleman, Director Employee Health, is a PMC Healthcare Hero.  She has worked for PMC for 29 years and oversees the health and safety of PMC employees.

Everyday, she focuses on identifying risks and hazards to employees and how they should avoid them.  She assesses health situations and promotes the overall health and well-being of PMC employees.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Coleman’s main responsibility is the safety of those who work and provide care to patients who have tested positive for the virus and are being cared for at PMC.  She has worked tirelessly to stay updated on policies and procedures to help employees meet standards that protect PMC staff and patients.

Her message to everyone is to follow guidelines set by the CDC and the government.  She strongly suggests getting tested if individuals have signs or symptoms of the virus or if they have been in contact with someone who has tested positive.

Melissa is the wife of Michael Coleman.  Together, they share three children, Michaela, Nate, and Lakyn.  She enjoys spending time with her family, activities with her children, and being on the lake in the summertime.