Look Good. Feel Better.
Pikeville Medical Center offers patients of the Lawson Cancer Center access to free wigs, make-up, scarves and more as needed.
Look Good. Feel Better is virtual only during COVID.
Please call 606-430-8513 to obtain your kit.
The Art of Healing
Pikeville Medical Center offers artistic activities designed to provide emotional support to people coping with a cancer diagnosis. Supplies are provided and patients and their family members are welcome.
Every Tuesday
Community Outreach Office – 10th floor of the Clinic Building
Patients should pre-register by calling 606-430-8513
(If patients have a treatment that day, the activity will be offered in the chemo bays.)
Tobacco Cessation Classes
Improve your heart health and reduce your risk for cancer. Pikeville Medical Center offers help to those in the community who have the desire to quit smoking with our Plan to be Tobacco Free program. During this one-time, two-hour class, participants will get help coping with their nicotine addiction and learn about over the counter nicotine replacement products and how to use them. Enrollees are also supplied with the necessary tools to ease the transition from tobacco use. They are educated about prescription medication options that can be used to help them quit.
First Thursday of every month
2 p.m.
Community Outreach Office – 10th floor of the PMC Clinic
Preregister by calling 606-430-8513 or obtain a physician referral. Click here to learn more about the class.
Nutrition Classes
Last Wednesday of every month
10:00am – 10:30 Radiation Oncology – 1st floor
10:30am – 11:00 am – Lawson Cancer Center Lobby – 10th floor of the PMC Clinic