• Eating healthier is one of the more popular resolutions individuals make each year. Doing a complete 180 degree turn with diet is challenging, so starting slowly and simply is best. The most efficient way to boost nutrient intake is by meal prepping. This aids in cooking healthier foods, avoiding purchasing fast food and choosing other unhealthy options. It also saves time and helps with portion control.
• Find a balance. It is still possible to eat tasty food, but practicing mindfulness and learning to eat in moderation is key to long-term success.
• Primary care providers can help with meal preparation and nutritional education. They can also offer tips or refer patients to a nutritionist or diabetes education program if necessary. Call 606-430-3500 to make an appointment with a PMC Primary Care Provider.
• For those considering weight loss surgery, PMC offers a FREE Weight Loss Surgery Seminar at the Center for Bariatric and Minimally Invasive Surgery at PMC. The bariatrics staff work with each patient to create an individual plan and provide counseling. For more information, call 606-430-2205.
• Exercising can be tedious or even dreadful for many people. The best way to stay active is to discover a sport or physical activity that brings genuine enjoyment. This will encourage patients to prioritize exercise. Reaching out to friends and family who enjoy similar activities can create a fun, social outing that doesn’t feel like work.
• Start simple. A little movement is better than none at all! Daily walking or practicing light stretching is a great way to ease into fitness. It is recommended to check with a PCP to see what activity is best.
• Many people fear exercise, especially those who are just starting their fitness journey or have health issues. For patients diagnosed with heart disease or who have undergone heart surgery, PMC’s Cardiac Rehabilitation program offers lifestyle monitoring and fitness programs to help restore their heart to maximum efficiency.
• Mental health challenges have been steadily increasing over the past few years, a fact that is often overlooked. Finding things in each day that bring joy is vital. Whether it’s journaling, listening to music, going to a coffee shop, hanging out with friends, cooking new recipes or meditating, these activities can play a part in improving mental health
and boosting overall mood.
• Individuals are advised to see a PCP if depression or mood symptoms do not go away on their own.
• Assessing overall well-being and finding ways to promote good health are important. Taking time for solitude and reflection can decrease stress and improve a person’s mindset. Regular exams by a healthcare practitioner are vital. Regular bloodwork and preventive screenings can help spot potential problems before they become more serious. Staying up-to-date with vaccines is another way to practice self-care.
• Prioritizing sleep plays an integral role in short-term and long-term health. Getting adequate sleep energizes and promotes better mood, translating into making connections with others and accomplishing important tasks. Most adults should get seven to nine hours of sleep each night. Creating a nighttime “wind-down” routine and sticking to bedtimes and wake-up times can aid in achieving adequate rest.
• Sleep disorders can impact quality of life and, when left untreated, can cause hypertension, diabetes, stroke, cardiac complications and more. The PMC Sleep Center offers specialty services to test, diagnose and treat adult patients with sleep disorders. For those struggling with sleep, call (606) 430-2209 to schedule an appointment with a PMC sleep medicine practitioner.
Focusing on the benefits of a resolution rather than seeing it as a chore is vital to its success. Create a plan, build a support system, celebrate small wins and learn from setbacks. Committing to a New Year’s resolution can be difficult, but it is well worth it when the benefits are realized. Embracing a healthier lifestyle through well-defined health goals is a powerful way to kick off the new year. Bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, embrace the opportunity for transformation and make the most of the blank canvas that is 2025!
For more information or to schedule an appointment with a PMC provider, call (606)-430- 3500 or visit www.pikevillehospital.org